Ep. # 152 AWS Tradeshow Day 2
John from Looper came in to talk with us about the California based brand and confided about how Texas is definitely one of their biggest markets and how the partnership with Raj Shetty of AWS Wholesale has been instrumental in their success here in the Lone Star State. “ We will be back to Texas' ' the Looper executive stated that they have big plans here and will continue to expand as Texas is a healthy market for the hemp derived products.
HiXotic CEO Andrew and Half Baked CEO Tony both spoke to us and had similar comments about how Texas is a monster market for their California based brands.
HiXotic CEO Andrew and Half Baked CEO Tony both spoke to us and had similar comments about how Texas is a monster market for their California based brands.
It truly is eye opening to learn how damn big the Texas market is for these companies , of which many actually produce full on cannabis products back home in California. It is estimated that Texas has the nation’s second-largest state for a hemp market that could generate $400 million in
annual sales by 2025 according to Yahoo Finance.